Legacy Work Intensive
In addition to becoming treasured heirlooms, legacy projects are also therapeutic and beneficial to the individual leaving their legacy as well. This intensive course will help prepare doulas to assist clients in crafting the legacy they’d like to leave behind for their loved ones.
Prepare to assist your clients in creating a legacy that is in alignment with their values. You’ll learn the main fears of the dying and how legacy work can alleviate some of those fears. When you complete this course, you’ll have new knowledge regarding the importance of legacy projects – to clients and their loved ones – and acheive hands-on experience with creating legacy projects. At the end of this class, you’ll also have a unique “legacy toolkit” of resources for your clients that presents a variety of legacy project options your clients can consider based on their needs and abilities.
Completing this course will help you:
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Who is the course for?

Keri Lynn Turney
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Morbi vel nisl et magna semper posuere nec rhoncus ligula. Donec cursus efficitur metus, et scelerisque ipsum suscipit ultrices. Suspendisse scelerisque sem ac velit convallis sodales. Maecenas vel viverra nisi, non laoreet tellus. Mauris nisl nunc, facilisis et urna nec, vulputate auctor lacus. Vivamus vitae dolor eu velit laoreet vehicula. Vivamus interdum sit amet lacus sed pulvinar.
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