Dealing With Sudden Death

As doulas, when most of us imagine a case we might work on, I think we generally envision a situation where someone is nearing death but still communicative. We plan on being able to ask them about their wishes and talk with the family about what is going to happen, we prepare ourselves to guide […]

Doulas and Grief Work

Those of us who work in end of life care need to be considerate of the fact that while death is certainly the end for the person who dies, for the people who grieve it is only the beginning. But working in death care does not always mean being an expert in grief, and that’s totally okay.

Advance Care Planning

One of the things that surprises many people when a loved one dies is how much paperwork needs to be done about it. Not just the death certificate, but also making sure that arrangements have been made for finances and property, as well as wrapping up personal affairs—things like closing credit and social media accounts, […]

Tree of Life

When it comes to caring for others and for ourselves, there are so many tools and so much knowledge that comes into play, but there is nothing more valuable than connection with other people. This is why IDLM will be holding its very first Tree of Life conference in San Antonio this coming November.

History of IDLM

Later this year, IDLM will be hosting the Tree of Life Conference in San Antonio. We are beyond excited for this event, which will be the first-ever conference held specifically by and for end-of-life doulas. As preparation, over the next few months this blog will host a series of articles showcasing the talents and accomplishments of the fabulous speakers and educators who will be presenting at the conference in November, and we figured the best place to start would be with our own Anna Adams, the founder of International Doula Life Movement.